In this blog post series, I will show how to implement various advanced requirements when deploying an Azure SQL Database using Azure DevOps yaml-based pipelines, and ARM templates. I assume you have some experience with these technologies in advance.

The requirements are:

  • Part 1: Enable AAD integration for the logical server and add the AAD DBA group as AAD admin.

  • Part 2: Deploy a "Serverless" user database, and allow the settings for it to be passed via ARM template parameters.

  • Part 3 (this part): Make the Azure DevOps pipeline service principal db_owner on the user database, while the pipeline identity is not a member of the DBA AAD group. Or: Add a contained AAD user to a user database when not logged in as an AAD user.

  • Part 4: Deploy a .dacpac to Azure SQL DB without storing any user credentials.

Set pipeline identity as db_owner (when pipeline identity is not in AAD admin group)

If the Azure DevOps pipeline identity is used for managing the database, for example to deploy .dacpac files to the database (see the coming part 4), and the pipeline identity is not member of the AAD admin group, you can use the following Azure PowerShell script to 'elevate' the pipeline identity to db_owner for the user database. Use the script in a AzurePowerShell@5 task (see part 2 in this series).

function ConvertTo-Sid {
  param (
  [guid]$guid = [System.Guid]::Parse($appId)
  foreach ($byte in $guid.ToByteArray()) {
      $byteGuid += [System.String]::Format("{0:X2}", $byte)
  return "0x" + $byteGuid

function ConnectAndExecuteSql {
        [string] $sqlServerName,
        [string] $sqlDatabaseName,
        [string] $sqlServerUID = $null,
        [string] $sqlServerPWD = $null,
        [string] $Query
  $sqlServerFQN = "$($sqlServerName)"
  $ConnectionString = "Server=tcp:$($sqlServerFQN);Database=$sqlDatabaseName;UID=$sqlServerUID;PWD=$sqlServerPWD;Trusted_Connection=False;Encrypt=True;Connection Timeout=60;"

  $Connection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection($ConnectionString)
  $sqlCmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($query, $Connection)

$context = [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.AzureRmProfileProvider]::Instance.Profile.DefaultContext
$AzureDevOpsServicePrincipal = Get-AzADServicePrincipal -ApplicationId $Context.Account.Id

$sid = ConvertTo-Sid -appId $Context.Account.Id
$ServicePrincipalName = $AzureDevOpsServicePrincipal.DisplayName
$sqlDatabaseName = $env:SQLDATABASENAME

$Query = "IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.database_principals WHERE name ='$ServicePrincipalName')
        CREATE USER [$ServicePrincipalName] WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA=[dbo], SID = $sid, TYPE = E;
    IF IS_ROLEMEMBER('db_owner','$ServicePrincipalName') = 0
        ALTER ROLE db_owner ADD MEMBER [$ServicePrincipalName]
    GRANT CONTROL ON DATABASE::[$sqlDatabaseName] TO [$ServicePrincipalName];"

ConnectAndExecuteSql -Query $Query -sqlServerName $env:SQLSERVERNAME -sqlDatabaseName $env:SQLDATABASENAME -sqlServerUID $env:SQLSERVERADMINLOGIN -sqlServerPWD $env:ADMINPWD

The script first gets the AAD context of the pipeline into the $context variable, then gets the service principal based on the object id, and uses display name and a derived SID (security identifier) from those objects.

The script then runs a SQL query against the user database using the SQL login of the logical server admin.

The magic juice is this SQL statement, which creates an "external user" using the undocumented TYPE = E parameter, thus avoiding an AAD lookup!

CREATE USER [$ServicePrincipalName] WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA=[dbo], SID = $sid, TYPE = E;

Coming up next: Deploy a .dacpac without storing any user credentials.

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