SQL Server stored procedures can return data in three different ways: Via result sets, OUTPUT parameters and RETURN values - see the docs here.

I have previously blogged about getting result sets with FromSqlRaw here and here.

I have blogged about using OUTPUT parameters with FromSqlRaw here.

In this post, let's have a look at using RETURN values.

First, create a stored procedure with a RETURN value:

    RETURN 42

Now define a parameter to hold the RETURN value - notice the direction is set to "Output" (despite the presence of a "ReturnValue" parameter direction Enum value):

var parameterReturn = new SqlParameter
    ParameterName = "ReturnValue",
    SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.Int,
    Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output,

And finally execute the procedure and display the result. Since no result set is returned, we can use ExecuteSqlRaw. If there had been a result set, FromSqlRaw could have been used. A special syntax for the EXEC call is used, that assigns the return value to the @returnValue parameter.

var result = db.Database
    .ExecuteSqlRaw("EXEC @returnValue = [dbo].[TheAnswer]", parameterReturn);

int returnValue = (int)parameterReturn.Value;

Console.WriteLine($"Return value: {returnValue}");

Notice that the parameterReturn.Value is of type "object" and must be cast to the desired type.

If you use EF Core Power Tools to reverse engineer your stored procedures, you can use code like this, as each procedure signature has an optional parameter of type OutputParameter<int>.

var procs = new NorthwindContextProcedures(db);
var returned = new OutputParameter<int>();
await procs.ReturnValue(returned);

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